Thursday, February 24, 2011

Craft Blog Link of the Week #4

I wear a scarf almost every day.  Winter, spring, summer or fall, I'm wearing one or have one in my purse.  The bottom line is that I'm always cold.  I'm cold in winter, spring, summer or fall.  Heaters are never on high enough during the cold months, and air conditioners are on too low in the warm months.

Several friends have told me they hate wearing scarves.  They claim I can “pull them off” fashionably and they can't.  To which I explain that I “pull them off” because I'm not making a fashion statement; I'm actually cold.  They keep my neck warm and prevent air from shooting down my shirt.  They are a necessity. 

I found this really neat scarf project last week.  I was a bit worried about posting this link because I don't want this to become the t-shirt craft blog but I absolutely love, love, love this idea!  And I love, love, LOVE repurposing stuff!  Okay, okay...and all the stripes remind me a little bit of retro Doctor Who!  Do your inner geek a favor and google “Doctor Who scarf”. Trust me ;)

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